Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ecosystem Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a game where you look for items or information. Use the worksheet to explore Ecosystems. Click on the hyperlink to find the data needed.

1. Find a definition for ecosystem and then find three other words related to ecosystems that you recognize from our unit vocabulary.

Write you definition and vocabulary here

2. Read this web page and complete the food chain activity at the end. Write down one of the food chains you created.
Answers to the activity can be found at…

Please correct your answers.

3. Please explore this web site and then write down one large, medium and small Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore. Then list one interesting fact about you learned to share with the class.

4. Now put what you have learned to the test and create a habitat for the black-footed ferrets in this fun game.

5. Now build a food web for a specific habitat. If you have time participate in the “Who dun it mysteries. Please print a copy of your completed web.