Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

Stress is a funny thing, it can stop you dead in your tracks or motivate you to take action. In my case, both happened. I was motivated and tried to work, but my brain did not want to cooperate. Fortunately the work was completed and I have a huge weight off my shoulders. The title of this post is from the movie Finding Nemo. Dora sings this song and I have to repeat it to myself several times a week. It is my mantra of sorts. It helps remind me to keep moving forward with a positive attitude, just like Dora, her brain didn't work quite right either. Today's quote of the day comes from Albert Einstein and reiterates the same sentiment.
"Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
Who would have thought that an animated fish and one of the greatest mind ever could have this much in common???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Dory--and the quote of course ;-) I hear you there about motivation/stress...amazing what your body will do in reaction.

Let's here it for Dory and Einstein haha I guess I should post something here too since I said I wanted to make it a habit :-p