Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I write in a journal everyday. I have made this a habit to help me process the thoughts of the day. It helps me to relax and release the energy of the day. I struggled with this process in the beginning and need to find a way to motivate myself. I love to be inspired and I love vocabulary. So one of the things I have been writing in my journal is an inspiring quote and a word for the day. I try to make the quote pertain to the feelings I am processing and often times the word will match as well. Now, I write in the journal just so I can get to finding the quote and learning the new word for the day and am working through many feelings without it becoming work. So I figured I would share the quote and word of the day.
“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton
Appertain - To belong as a part, right, possession or attribute. (dictionary.com)
What is going to motivate you???

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